After weeks of hard work getting the files ready for production, we were able to send the manufacturer all the digital files of the core game and the expansion! This is why it took some time to prepare the pledge manager. But we have great news because, Thursday the 22nd we will open the pledge manager of Kingdoms Rise & Fall – Dorian on Gamefound!
In the pledge manager and late pledge, you have the unique opportunity to become a backer and supporter of Kingdoms Rise & Fall – Dorian. If you are already a backer, please provide your shipping address and pay for the shipment as we cannot ship out game if we do not have your address.
Also a content update. Because we have been working hard on the manuals to get the details right for both the core game and the expansion. And we thought it was a good idea to share the manuals with you guys. We also added a bit of extra lore at the end of the core manual, hope you like it! You can download them here:
Download: Manual – Kingdoms Rise & Fall – Dorian
Download: Manual – Return of Zargeth